V-Day Gifts According To Your Person’s Love Language

You’ve probably heard of the five love languages: gifts, words of affirmation, physical touch, quality time, and acts of service. Most people have two primary love languages that speak to them the most. I was lucky enough to be born with the natural talent of gift giving. The people’s faces when they unwrap a present brings me so much joy. But for those of you not born with this talent— I’m here to help. And lucky for you…Most of these are very affordable. You’re welcome.

  1. Acts of Service

A picnic! People whose love language is acts of service appreciate the effort that goes into something. They do not necessarily need something tangible. Setting up a picnic shows them you went out of your way to plan something and organized a feast. Plan a restaurant dinner at home with a personalized menu and have all the ingredients and groceries so you two can cook together. Or make them breakfast in bed. Extra point if you attach a rose! Again, it all goes back to the effort being put in for these folks.

2. Words of Affirmation

These people will never admit it, but they are the hopeless romantics of the world. They perceive love by the being told they are loved. Write them a poem or a song. Or if you are a man/woman of many words, write them a whole poetry book. They will be so touched. If you live in an area that has a bridge, buy a lock and go on a love locking adventure with them. If you live in a bridgeless city, then find freaking tree somewhere and carve your names on it. One time I filled up a DYI decorated jar with love quotes for an ex. His favorite one was “Love is like peeing your pants. Everyone can see it, but only you can feel the warmth.” We’re still friends until this day. Be romantic, but also HAVE FUN!

3. Quality Time

These folks are real simple. They just want to be with you. Preferably, you and you only. Incorporate this with some sort of fun activity like a pottery class or one of those wine and paint sessions where you both can try something new together. If you live by the a river or pond, see if there’s a way you can rent a boat or fishing rods. Bring some food and flowers to make a complete date out of it. If you and your person are up for some adventure, take them out of town to somewhere they’ve always wanted to go. If they’re the camping type, grab a tent and go into the wilderness for the weekend. Just the two of you.

4. Physical Touch

I saved the two most misunderstood ones for last. Those whose love language is physical touch are not hypersexual or “only want sex”. That is an inaccurate perception. These folks simply require reassurance in the form of touch. Simple gestures like hand holding during car rides and random back strokes are their kryptonite. Set up a bath with flower petals, their favorite movie, and a charcuterie board for them (and you). Get them a gift card to a masseuse. If they don’t like being touched by random people, you can set a spa up at home and give them one yourself. Warning: the night may get spicier. You can also give each other facials. There’s plenty of YouTube tutorials you guys can follow.

5. Gifts

There’s a misconception that those whose love language is gifts are materialistic. And this just couldn’t be further from the truth. People whose love language is gifts are actually extremely sentimental. It’s easier for them to process love in a physical form. These folks do not expect expensive gifts. Rather, they prefer gifts that prove you know their heart or you thought of them when you saw it and just had to get it for them. That’s love. A friendship bracelet with both of your initials engraved will show them you value both them and your relationship with them. It’s something they can constantly keep on their body as a reminder that you’re always with them. No need for designer brand name. There are plenty of options on Etsy for under $25. Thinking about their favorite hobby and how your gift can contribute to that. For example, if they like cooking, maybe grab some seasoning from your local spice shop. My favorite spice store here in Richmond is Penzeys Spices in Carytown. If they are a writer, get them a quill and journal. If they’re into tarot, get them that one deck they’ve been talking about. This will show them you care about them and pay attention to the things that matter to them.

In the next post, I will teach you how to detect what your person’s love language is. You can thank me later.


How To Unlock Someone’s Love Language


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